The Valentine's Ball
So the Valentine's Ball I wrote about before was FANTASTIC!!! It was like prom, but much better because it was HOLY fun. Seriously, it pretty much had everything prom did except it was a group of one-fire and on-point believers so we could all have fun in God and while worshipping God. And as i think i said before, groups of guys from each campus--Duke, NC Central, and a joint NCSU-UNC team--put on entertainment for the women. This year everybody stepped their acts up big time and really made something that honored the women. There were a lot of women, christians and non-christians alike, that really got ministered to. One thing that i wanted to share with ya'll was something that our group from State-UNC wrote. Our performance was centered around a covenant that we wrote for the women. The idea was that this covenant would state what we would do as men to uphold the purity of the women by becoming better men of God. There was a pretty cool performance with it that was really funny but also really ministered. Anyways, here's a copy of "Every Man's Commitment" that each of the women were presented with:
We the men of Every Nation Campus Ministry, in order to attain a more perfect likeness with our creator and His glorious Son, Jesus Christ hereby adopt this creed. By which we strive to server God and are better equipped to serve and honor our sisters. Therefore through the exercising of our faith we undergird this canopy of holiness with a commitment to Responsibility, Purity, Love, Humility, Faithfulness, and Unity.
We guard what has been committed to our trust as living testimonies written by God and read by others. It is our responsibility to uphold the purity of our brothers and sisters through encouragement and correction.
(see 1 Timothy 6:20)
We take ownership of our bodies and abstain from sexual immorality, in pursuit of God's perfect will to live in holiness and purity with our sisters.
(see 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5,7)
Just as Christ showed his love by giving his life, we lay down our lives to express the perfect love of the Father.
(see 1 John 3:16, 18)
In conforming to the image of Christ, in humility we consider others before ourselves and place their interests above our own. We live to serve and lead by service.
(see Philippians 2:3-5)
As men we acknowledge our weaknesses but stand firmly on the faithfulness of God.
(see 2 Tim 2:13)
With Christ as our head, we strive to function as one body bearing each others weaknesses and rejoicing in each others triumphs.
(see 1 Corinthians
Hope that isnt messed up b/c of formatting...
Anyways, i love you guys and hope you're doing well....always let me know what Christ is doing in your life and if there's anything i can do for you!
i think it's a creed we could all stand to take on as a way to better live our lives to more glorify God (which I am sure you are aware of). and like we were talking about the other night, i think really focusing on specific scripture to guide our walks with God can be such an amazing thing and something i definitely want to strive to incorporate more of into my own life.
as far as the whole purpose behind the Valentine's ball, i think it's amazing, honestly, a girls heart and self-esteem are soo very delicate and too many girls go through life not understanding how they should be treated and therefore settling for so much less. However, I also think it's so important for guys, who are trying to treat their sisters this way, to watch, not their motives exactly, but their execusion of such a task because it can add more confusion or contempt if some of it seems to go beyond the common courtesies. anywho. thats my piece.
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