The Chronicles of The Best They Ever Had

Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. -Acts 2:43-47

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Quite Big, and a Little Crazy

Sooooo, my dad applied for a job in Colorado, and I found out this afternoon (Friday, 2/24) that they've offered him the job. He's said tentatively "yes" and he has the weekend to think about it and discuss it with mom before giving a final answer. My parents are, I'm pretty sure, going to go for it. So, yeah. My parents are going to move to Boulder, CO this summer. We'll still have the house here in NC, and so I'll still be a North Carolina resident, and I'll still go to NCSU. It's just kinda scary - my parents moving almost clear across the country and all. If you kids could be praying for my family, especially for my mom (I think she's dealing with the most stress from it), it would be greatly appreciated. And, if you could pray for wisdom for my parents and cooperation from my brother so they can figure out the most effective thing for him to do when they move, that'd be good too. It's all kinda up in the air right now.

anyways, love you all very much
Jordan M

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

old times

So I was looking back at the old posts from way back when and found this post by Luke, that is pretty darn cool and shows this blog has been pretty decent obviously, lol.

I aint got no title
So the real question is will this thing last. Who knows? However, i do have a few suggestions to make this a success. First, if we expect eachother to post and attack eachother when we dont, it will happen. I mean this will be fun if people participate. My second suggestion, which is not really a suggestion but i think a vital piece to this web page, is that we are gonna need a lot of pictures of me. So guys, if you have any pictures of me put them up here and, trust me, people will be hooked. Some have even compared to my beauty to the potency and addictiveness of heroine. I think we could even make some money off of this sucker if we do this.Anyways, sorry i talked about my good looks again, but i promise it will not be too regular of a thing in my posts. Catch you jokers laterLuke

I think the blog has survived seeing as that is from Nov. 19, 2004. ^^ And if I have any pictures of Luke I may have to post them, but I beleive I may sharethe wealth. :-D

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Campus Harvest

Once again, you ALL must coms to Campus Harvest ( I'll be hasseling you all individually, so i won't say more than IT IS INCREDIBLE. I've never been in one place where i've felt such an amazing amount of incredible ENERGY before--energy thats completely directed to God. But dont be fooled...theres not just energy, but a true depth of maturity and teaching. You WILL hear a message that will change you. And not only that, but outside of the messages and seminars, this event has always been a time where tons of students hear CLEARLY God's call on their life--whether it be for ministry or taking ground in the professional world. And not only that, but the worship will be one of the most amazing worship experiences you've had. Stephen, Jordan M., Petra, and Heather (if you still look at this thing)--you all live nearby and/or have campuses that are going so this is an excellent opportunity to easily attend an event that some people pay to fly thousands of miles to come. The rest of ya'll dont live too far away either.

Its March 24-26 and there may be something going on at camp, but i'm sure Gene wouldnt mind too much if you werent around once because you were busy catching the Fire of God and taking your walks up to even more incredible levels. It costs around $60...but money is NEVER an issue so dont let that thought even cross your mind--i'll pay for you and/or find some scholarship help if it is an issue. PLUS, you all can have free lodging one way or another.
Check out the website and give it some serious thought, i guarantee it'll change ya.

I love you guys (yes, even if you ignore my exhortation and dont come) and want to hear what God's doing your lives!

Sunday, February 19, 2006

The Valentine's Ball

So the Valentine's Ball I wrote about before was FANTASTIC!!! It was like prom, but much better because it was HOLY fun. Seriously, it pretty much had everything prom did except it was a group of one-fire and on-point believers so we could all have fun in God and while worshipping God. And as i think i said before, groups of guys from each campus--Duke, NC Central, and a joint NCSU-UNC team--put on entertainment for the women. This year everybody stepped their acts up big time and really made something that honored the women. There were a lot of women, christians and non-christians alike, that really got ministered to. One thing that i wanted to share with ya'll was something that our group from State-UNC wrote. Our performance was centered around a covenant that we wrote for the women. The idea was that this covenant would state what we would do as men to uphold the purity of the women by becoming better men of God. There was a pretty cool performance with it that was really funny but also really ministered. Anyways, here's a copy of "Every Man's Commitment" that each of the women were presented with:

We the men of Every Nation Campus Ministry, in order to attain a more perfect likeness with our creator and His glorious Son, Jesus Christ hereby adopt this creed. By which we strive to server God and are better equipped to serve and honor our sisters. Therefore through the exercising of our faith we undergird this canopy of holiness with a commitment to Responsibility, Purity, Love, Humility, Faithfulness, and Unity.

We guard what has been committed to our trust as living testimonies written by God and read by others. It is our responsibility to uphold the purity of our brothers and sisters through encouragement and correction.
(see 1 Timothy 6:20)

We take ownership of our bodies and abstain from sexual immorality, in pursuit of God's perfect will to live in holiness and purity with our sisters.
(see 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5,7)

Just as Christ showed his love by giving his life, we lay down our lives to express the perfect love of the Father.
(see 1 John 3:16, 18)

In conforming to the image of Christ, in humility we consider others before ourselves and place their interests above our own. We live to serve and lead by service.
(see Philippians 2:3-5)

As men we acknowledge our weaknesses but stand firmly on the faithfulness of God.
(see 2 Tim 2:13)

With Christ as our head, we strive to function as one body bearing each others weaknesses and rejoicing in each others triumphs.
(see 1 Corinthians
12:26 and Psalm 133:1)

This creed conceived and inspired by the Holy Word of God stands as a written testament to our commitment as men. A commitment defined not by the worldly term of fleeting obligations and powerless promises but rooted in the faithfulness of God. "This is love: not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins." Therefore, we the men of Every Nation Campus Ministries, out of the love of Christ, commit ourselves to loving, honoring, and protecting the daughters of God.

Hope that isnt messed up b/c of formatting...
Anyways, i love you guys and hope you're doing well....always let me know what Christ is doing in your life and if there's anything i can do for you!


Wednesday, February 15, 2006

simple as.... uh idk

Well I must say it is pretty cool to know that Jordan Cauley will probably be returning to ECU next January. I am making him stay in a dorm, lol, so he will get to meet new people (sounds like I am holding a whip, lol). But yea, all seriousness though, I am very happy that he has decided to return and that his dad is okay with his return to ECU. Well that is it for this post.
love to all on this Valentine's Day!!!

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

no title neccesary

i just wanted to say, in the spirit of valentine's day, that i love each and every one of you guys very much and am very privledged to have such an awesome and spiritually supportive group of friends. God has blessed us with these friendships and siblingships in Christ.


Friday, February 10, 2006

ENCM Valentine's Ball

Fo Jordan and Petra and anybody else reading this that lives in the area and is interested, come to the ENCM Valentine's Ball. Its a tradition we're starting where every year the guys of the area ENCMs help put on this event to truly honor the women and support them in their waiting on God. Its not something where people come with dates or whatever, i think most girls came with girls and guys with a group of guys last time actually. But anywho, the guys valet park, escort the women in, give each a flower and seat them, and then after a sweet dinner groups of guys from the different campuses put on performances for the women. Last year, for example, the NC State guys wrote a song about purity and performed it for them.

Anywho, this is something is tons of fun and also definitely ministers to women who arent used to be treated like they should. I know one year one of the girls in our group who was a cheer leader invited a bunch of the squad's girls and they were really touched and blown away by it all, since they were so used to guys treating them like objects.
Anyways, come. Its February 17th (a week from today) (and does cost money, but if that is a problem for whatever reason we'll take care of you).


Thoughts on God's Character

This semester in Bible study (the one I'm in, not the one I lead), we've been studying God's character. These are some thoughts that I've had, some things we've talked about, and some pretty neat quotes.

If God is timeless, then God is always applicable.

God has already lived all of our tomorrows. -A.W. Tozer

God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in Him. -John Piper

Those who live within and by a timeframe are finite and temporary. God has no timeframe.

God spoke everything into being - everything except man. God breathed life into him.

Just thought I'd share ;)
love you kids mucho
Jordan M

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

i kept trying to comment on lukes post, but it wouldn't let me...anywho, i am reading a book for class called Our Posthuman Future, and it is all about biotechnology and the political consequences of what all these advanced will be, and part of one chapter was talking about the contradiction between homosexuality and evolution, it also pointed out, or rather speculated, that even if we were to discover a gay gene, and homosexulatity were to become completely accepted in our society, if given the choice most parents would still not choose for their child to be's pretty interesting, i would write more but i have to run.
