The Chronicles of The Best They Ever Had

Everyone was filled with awe, and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. -Acts 2:43-47

Friday, January 28, 2005

Haven't Posted Here in Awhile

Hey Kids-

It has been awhile since I have posted in here so I thought I would just drop a little note and say hello.

Things have been going pretty well here at Winthrop...its frigging cold, which I am hating, although Wednesday was absolutely beautiful. Classes are going well. I talked to my psychology professor because I have a big research paper to write this semester and I wanted her help on deciding on a topic. WELL, we were talking and she asked what I wanted to do after I graduated and I told her I wanted to do something in youth ministry and SHE suggested writing my paper on children's concepts of God and moral development. I hadn't even thought of that, and now I am much more excited about the paper than I was before.

Oh, and I used TWO sets of risers in cardio sculpt yesterday which is like, for the experts and stuff, the real serious people, and I didn't die from it. Its a lot harder but it felt quite good afterwards so I think I shall continue.

As you all pretty much know, I am taking social dance this semester and I absolutely love it. I am not catching on to swing as well a I would like and I really need to find someone to practice with though because between classes I forget some stuff AND its just fun.

I have been ridiculously tired this week and I have a ton to do this weekend. Whoot whoot!

And just a few prayer requests: I dont know if you guys remember but back in November my grandpa had a stroke. Well I decided to give them a call and I talked to him and it was rather heartbreaking. I am pretty sure he wasnt too sure who I was. And things have been pretty crazy with therapy and medical stuff and its been wearing on my grandma. AND if you guys could just keep this catholic campus ministry I am trying to get started here at school in your prayers that would be great. It hasn't taken off quite as well as I had hoped so I am trying to keep spirits up and just let God take control.

Ok I'm out kids


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

What up?

Should i be an RA next year? If i'm not an RA where should i live? I also thought about asking what i should do this summer since i gotta be deciding that too...but i dont think i'd hear anything new from you folks so never mind.
Ummm.........i dont really feel like saying much else, i guess i dont have much to say. I did receive a pretty cool word from one of my campus ministers in the middle of a prayer meeting monday morning. It was pretty sweet and he was dead-on with what he said about me and what will be going on with me this semester (i'm a little unsure about going around sharing it with everyone right now for some i'm gonna with-hold details for the moment). But anyways, i'm really excited about how God will be moving in my life and in VCM this semester (although i admit i'm a little afraid because i have some doubts that i need to get rid of so my faith will be true with what we're believing to happen...). I think right now though that my next big step is to begin to step out and act more on what God tells me. For examples, there have been instances when i was spending time with God and i knew He was telling me to get up and just go witness to someone. But....i didnt trust him and i didnt go do it. Its this kind of faith that God wants me to gain and demonstrate--just stepping out and doing things that i dont want to or dont make sense. When i learn to do that more and more...i believe God will release more of His power in my life.
The message at VCM monday looked at a parable in Ezekiel that spoke of a river and walking through it--at first ankle deep, then knee deep, then waist deep, then deep enough that it becomes uncrossable. The water represents God's grace (well defined as "God's enabling power") in our lives, and the different depths levels in our walk (as in at first you might be ankle deep, then as you grow you become knee deep, etc.). But how do we get to each new step? By faith. SO, for us to see God's grace released more powerfully on our lives we gotta increase our faith. Also in the message were seven things that prevent our faith to increase. One of course is fear--one of my problems i just mentioned above. ANYWAYS, thats one thing going on with me right now and i hope that speaks to ya'll too--strive to increase that faith in your daily life.


Monday, January 24, 2005

Murphy Brown

Did you guys ever watch that show? It just came on, and I realized that it has been forever since I have watched it.

Bible study was great tonight. Diana and Allison (my BS leaders) gave us an outline of their plans for this semester. We are going to be studying Galatians and talking a lot about evangelism. And, they really want to challenge us in prayer and in leadership. They seem to really have plans to push us to do a lot more praying and taking the lead in Bible study. I feel good about this semester in BS. :o)

I had my first program tonight; it was just a floor meeting to let everyone who didn't know that I am the new RA. Drew (my co-RA) and I went to the Food Kitty and got ice cream and other junk food to eat. It was a brief program, but I think it went well.

Allison Bailey (my suitemate) has some things to say:
"STATE ROCKS, I'm older than all of you, and you suck." But she doesn't really mean the "you suck" part, she was only joshin' ya. She thinks she wants at camp this summer. If only she knew what it was really like ;). But really, I think she would be lots of fun. Besides, she lives in Fayetteville and she says we can stay at her house wheneeever we want. AND her sister wants to work at Express or something similar so, ladies, we can get a discount, wink wink.

OH and one more thing: I think we all need to really really really really put in A LOT of prayer for this summer--there is definitely a HUGE opportunity here for us to take advantage of--this could be our chance to really take Rockfish up a few steps spiritually. As in, it will be crazy-awesome with God's presence this summer if we petition Him and really have faith that He is going to rocks some boats and some lives this summer. So, with that said, let's pray it up.

Yo sistah
Jordan M

Saturday, January 22, 2005

by the way i forgot

DUKE beat nc state
Jordan C

Friday, January 21, 2005

The Chronicles of The Best They Ever Had

WOOT!!! SCORE ONE FOR THE HOME TEAM!!! I am now one of the regional finalists for the NC Teaching Fellows scholarships!! That is all I know for now, don't know what happens next, but I shall find out soon enough. YAY!!

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

ok folks lemme lay it done for yas

Up here i the mountians it just got insanely cold over the weekend as in we had unexpected snow and it was 14 degrees with a wind chill of -1 and i live on the top of a mountain so that wind chill aint no joke. my education is progressing my classes are quite simple nothing difficult or challenging, or interesting for that matter. im hoping that ill find a job soon, as i am out of money. i cannot wait to return to camp. but for the most part nothing of great excitement has occured in my life, but ill appear later, swift and silent as always
Jordan C

Napolean Dynamite says cool things

GOSH what a funny movie.


Its pretty dern cold out der

I like heating and insulation.
Due to the keen observations of my sister-in-law, Heather, she and my oldest brother, Nate, stumbled upon our website. So, while we havent advertised this sucker for reasons previously discussed outside of the site, we still have managed to attract active readers. Actually i dont know how much they'll read it, but they at least read it a few times... I talked to da bro last night, and it seems that since i visited this site on their computer while i was at their house it got in their explorer's history and Heather stumbled upon it.
I've been ballin it up a lot lately. Its been a good time, except for the last game i played yesterday. The guys we ended up playing a pickup game with were really nice, except for one dude. And that was the dude i was matched against. He had an attitude problem. This one time he thought he'd just grab my shirt and hold onto it for a while, so i had to knock his hand away. And i never fouled him or talked any junk the whole game, but suddenly he started getting really angry at me and going "whatchu talkin about man you aint done nuthin." I just told him to chill out cause i didnt do anything, which made him more angry. I also only scored like once or twice because he hacked the crap out of me every time i shot and woulda scored. He almost took my head off once. So i punched him in the face. And laughed at him as he cried on the ground. And then he tried to run away, but i dragged him down again. And then beat him. And then i decided to help him beat him again. And then i helped him up hug him. I didnt get fouled anymore after that.
Anyways, after i start practicing more and show how thug i am by beating down my opponents, good ole Herb will be begging me take a scholarship.
Hope ya'll are doing well, being blessed.


Monday, January 17, 2005

long time no post

Well, its been a long time since I've written in this. But, now that I have a 3 day weekend, I have the time to write to all you crazy people. Last weekend, I went on a ski trip with the youth group, it was crazy fun. I must say I had a couple wipe outs though. I sat too soon on the ski lift, and instead sat on the ground and it came around and hit me in the head. Nice...I know. Other than that, I was chosen to give the holy spirit talk at this middle school retreat. I've been working really hard on that, but it just isnt saying what I want it to right more work. Well, hope all of you are doing amazingly well.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

Reporting For Duty, Captain

My first day on duty. Woot woot. I can't really leave my room--I have to stay here unless I am going to grab some food, and even then I have to call the other RA on duty and let them know that I won't be in the building. Then, from 5 to 8 PM I am going to be at the 24-hour desk. After that, it's back to hanging out in my room until 8 AM tomorrow. I guess I have plenty of time to get work done. I guess it also means I have plenty of time to work on that song I said I was going to write.

Yesterday a lot of stores were having their big winter sales. I got a kelly green sweater for $15 at Express. Hear that, Brooke? KELLY GREEN. I thought of you when I bought it. I hope you are proud.

Jordan Cauley, how are things this semester? I haven't heard much from you. I hope all is well. Are you getting lots of snow in the mountains?

Petra, how are things coming along with you? Keep on truckin'. Just pray for an open heart, and God will jump at the opportunity.

And, I know that Heather Ray never really reads this, or in the least, never posts, so on the off chance that she does read this--I think all of us would like to hear from her.

And I will finish on this note:

j to the mac

Friday, January 14, 2005

Big Stuff

I'm a big shot now--i have a key. With my new powerful Teaching Assitants Assitant (thats TAA, but sometimes when i wanna impress those beautiful ladies in my class i tell them it stands for Totally Awesome American and give them a little Luke charm with my world-renowned wink;)), i now have a weapon of power--the key to the physics labs. Thats right, whlie you kids are trying to think of fun things to do on the weekends i'll be letting myself into the laboratories and having a physics bonanza. So, just try not to be too jealous.

Luke the Big Shot

Ah yes the weekend

After a long week of stressful times it is now the weekend. Not only is it the weekedn it is a long weekend. That is great. Hopefully this weekend will be nice and unstressful, but you never know what will happen.

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Busy Busy Busy

First off, before I forget, and I usually do, hence it taking me so long to express something that has been weighing on my mind for some time, let me say this:

Stephen, when you post and it has the box for the "Title"--this doesn't mean the title of the blog. Dearheart, it means the title of your post. You can title it whatever you want, not just "The Chronicles of The Best They Ever Had." Although...I can always tell right from the beginning who put up the latest post if it's titled that...but anyways, I love you, Stephen, I just had to get that off my chest. :o)

As for everything else, I hope that you all are not as busy as me. I think my head is going to explode. I am still a little overwhelmed and am trying to find that balance been RA duties and a schedule with 17 hours. I can't say that I am a big fan of my schedule this semester, so that doesn't help any. Just pray for me, OH, and even better, if you want to do some of my work for me, that would be fantastic.

Also, I think it is about time I started writing my first song. I am still not very good at playing my guitar, but practice makes perfect. I was thinking for my first song it would be a sweet, simple song made with 1 (maybe 2 if I am daring) chords. And, like all good musicians, you have to dedicate your first one to your mama, so I guess the title of my song will be "MAAAAMAAAA, i love you." I think she'll enjoy it a lot.

Reporting from D.H. Hill Library,
Jordan McCoy

Monday, January 10, 2005

how darling

nice face jordan

me and petra

Here I Go Again

Back to school, Back to school, to prove to mommy that i'm not a fool
i've got my lunch all packed, my shoes tied tight
I hope I dont get in a fight.

So here I am again, sitting at my lovely desk here at the fabulous Winthrop University.
I moved back in yesterday, and my grandparents met my mom and I at the dorm to bring my TV and then we went out to lunch, so I have yet to eat in the cafeteria again. Its such a hassle to move back in...not that I completely moved out, but enough to have to make more than one trip up and down the stairs and that is just tiring. But oh well.

I was supposed to have class at 9 this morning, but yeah, according to the note on the door, it doesnt start until wednesday, so I got up early and such for no good reason. Oh well...

Alright well I really have nothing interesting or constructive to say on here right now, but I will be sure to check back in with you kids soon. I love you all and miss you dearly...


Saturday, January 08, 2005

The Chronicles of The Best They Ever Had

I am finally done with my Math Internal assessment. It took some long grueling hours ; ), but I finally got it done. Now I am on to my History i nternal assessment. The topic is: Seeing as Rhode Island did not attend the constitutional convention, what the constitution, constitutional? If you genious's know anything about this topic give me a little info. I have many books that will do, but you guys are the greatest. : )
This week the teachers decided to pound us!! I had so much hw it was ridiculous. I got it all done though, I am proud of myself : ).
Well lend me your expertise if you want, I am off to strat on it now.
Adios mi amigos.

Friday, January 07, 2005

Maybe It's Not So Bad After All

With the 2nd day of RA training under my belt, I am starting to feel more comfortable. Everyone is really nice (I feel like I am writing a letter home to Mom). It feels like going to summer camp and meeting all sorts of nice people. Actually, it kind of feels like my first staff training where I didn't really know anyone and I was clueless about policy and procedure. My RD, Keith, is really nice, and with all the group activities we've been doing I kinda think of him as a counselor. Haha.

I hope everyone has a great weekend.


Wednesday, January 05, 2005

But Mom I don't wanna go to school...

I am moving back to school today. RA training starts tomorrow. Classes start Monday. I am not excited.



Tuesday, January 04, 2005

No More Crying

You guys can stop crying now...i'm back. I know it was tough to survive without me, but....there are limitations to even my greatness. My long absence from posting has been due to a combination of a week-long trip to my brother's house and computer problems. For a number of days i could not open up any IE windows, but that is now fixed since we got adaware on this sucker.
My visit to LA was excellent. My brother is one cool guy and its always awesome to hang out with him. My sister-in-law is also awesome and their 8-month-old Riley is the second cutest baby ever (you know who number one is ;), and none of you should try and be clever and post a comment about how you were the cutest baby ever, cause i've already thought of that and we all know who i'm talking about--a little 80's hot thing named Luke David Oltmans). ANYWAYS, i dont like to talk about my self very much cause i work very hard at being the most modest guy around, so lets get back to Riley. Whenever i get some pics, i'll post some b/c she is awesome. She's about as fun as they come too. Me and her could partay it up all day long, or at least until she goes to bed at 7:00.
I got some pretty sweet cds for christmas and you should all be jealous. i would tell you what they are but i dont feel like typing them. Anywho, i hope you guys are all doing well now that you dont have to cry over my absence.


Monday, January 03, 2005


Ok, this is concerning peeps e-mail addresses. Jordan Cauley aka Grandpappy what is your new one. Jordan M. and Luke what are your cuz it says that yours do not exist when I send you something. I am trying to send the pics from camp by email cuz it won't let me put them on here. Let me know ttyl.

Sunday, January 02, 2005


As of 1:26 PM Eastern Standard Time (12:26 PM Central Standard Time, where I was born in Texas) I turned 19. Woot woot.

AND, Brooke is a redneck. She cannot correctly say words like "where," "when," "what," and "white." There is an H in those words. People, pronounce those words like they are supposed to be pronounced. In the words of Charlie Brown, good grief.

This is what I got for my birthday: $1,000,000. That means that you guys will probably go from considering yourselves my friends to considering yourselves my best friends ever. I am on to your game. Homie don't play that.

I'm lonely here on this blog. I need some company. You losers need to get more involved.

jordanananananan m