Holy Spirit
So i think posting this will make me the author of three or so consecutive posts, but i'm gonna do it anyways. You guys wont post much this summer at camp anyways and i'm currently out of commission from doing a lot of things with the broken foot, so me dominating the posts might be the trend for a while. Anyways, i randomly had a question i wanted to ask and see your guys' comments on:
What do you guys think about the "Baptism of the Holy Spirit" or "being filled with the Holy Spiri"? (and if you dont quite know what is meant by that, what is your current understanding of it?)
I know that most of ya'll dont do a lot of commenting on this website, but please do comment on this question because it is certainly important. I used to have doubts about how much i really believed what was taught on it, but recently i've realized that's changed and it's now as real to me as Jesus' death and resurrection (which i would say is something that we as christians believe to be true more than just about anything).