Good, Simple advice
So i'm starting an outreach cell group in my dorm (which i am excited about because i believe God will really move) and i was reading some material i was going to use. The guy that wrote this book for use in discipleship/evangelistic small groups introduced it with this passage. He talked aobut the first time he tried using a cell group and how he was leading it and it went great at first. They had good worship, word, etc., but it eventually just sorta fizzled out. Well he kept trying and found some real truths for leading any sort of small group like this. Here is what he wrote. It's pretty basic, but things that i think we all can keep in mind and apply. Here are is "four keys" to cell ministry:
1. EVANGELIZE--I'm convinced that one of the main reasons that my first attempt at cell groups failed is because they were not designed to reach the lost. They were designed to mature and nuture christians. Spritual maturity is a noble purpose, however, it is impossible to mature apart from reaching out to the lost. Therefore, one of the main purposes of Victory cells is to reach the lost, not to close the proverbial back door.
2. ESTABLISH--Because Jesus comissioned us to make disciples and not decisions, our job does not end with evangelism. Those who have been evangelized must be established in the Word, in the Faith, and in the Church. To be ffective, cell ministry must be local church based. The goal is that every cell member becomes an active church member.
3. EDIFY--To build up, to strengthen, to encourage. Every Christian needs it. Most miss it. Discipleship provides it. The end result of cell ministry is a strong disciple who has a desire to go and make more disciples.
4. EQUIP--Once a person has been ssaved, established in the Church, strengthened and edified, he needs to be equipped to not just be a disciple, but to go and make disciples. Once a disciple is equipped the multiplication process begins.
These are good points and i'd just encourage every person here to start a cell group or whatever. Nobody has to be a "leader" in a group to do that, we all can change the campus by making our own disciples and encouraging them to make their own.