Haven't Posted Here in Awhile
Hey Kids-
It has been awhile since I have posted in here so I thought I would just drop a little note and say hello.
Things have been going pretty well here at Winthrop...its frigging cold, which I am hating, although Wednesday was absolutely beautiful. Classes are going well. I talked to my psychology professor because I have a big research paper to write this semester and I wanted her help on deciding on a topic. WELL, we were talking and she asked what I wanted to do after I graduated and I told her I wanted to do something in youth ministry and SHE suggested writing my paper on children's concepts of God and moral development. I hadn't even thought of that, and now I am much more excited about the paper than I was before.
Oh, and I used TWO sets of risers in cardio sculpt yesterday which is like, for the experts and stuff, the real serious people, and I didn't die from it. Its a lot harder but it felt quite good afterwards so I think I shall continue.
As you all pretty much know, I am taking social dance this semester and I absolutely love it. I am not catching on to swing as well a I would like and I really need to find someone to practice with though because between classes I forget some stuff AND its just fun.
I have been ridiculously tired this week and I have a ton to do this weekend. Whoot whoot!
And just a few prayer requests: I dont know if you guys remember but back in November my grandpa had a stroke. Well I decided to give them a call and I talked to him and it was rather heartbreaking. I am pretty sure he wasnt too sure who I was. And things have been pretty crazy with therapy and medical stuff and its been wearing on my grandma. AND if you guys could just keep this catholic campus ministry I am trying to get started here at school in your prayers that would be great. It hasn't taken off quite as well as I had hoped so I am trying to keep spirits up and just let God take control.
Ok I'm out kids